Thursday, September 13, 2012

strAv3L: Santarém package

Santarém is a beautiful city to the north of Lisbon, perched on top of a rocky mound where, from the gardens of the Porta do Sol, there’s a splendid view over the River Tagus and the marshlands. 
The Porta do Sol (Gate of the Sun) is one of the two remaining gates of the defensive walls of this city. Santarém was very important during the Middle Ages, when it acquired most of its rich artistic and cultural heritage. Start your visit from this gate so that you can get to know the city as it truly is by taking thematic tours of its monuments.

Begin with the Romanic-Gothic S. João de Alporão Church, which is also home to the Museu Arqueológico de Santarém (Santarém Archaeological Museum), and then head off to some of the city’s Gothic treasures, such as the Graça Church, the Santa Clara Church and the Santa Maria de Marvila Church.
The Santuário do Santíssimo Milagre (Sanctuary of the Holy Miracle) and the Núcleo Museológico do Tempo (Time Museum), located in the Torre das Cabaças (Tower of the Gourds), are also worth a visit.

And don’t miss Santarém’s Festival de Gastronomia (Culinary Festival), the country’s main culinary exhibition that takes place in the second half of October, and its Feira Nacional de Agricultura (National Agriculture Fair), which takes place in the first week of June.

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strAv3L is an all-in-one service, located in Alcochete (Portugal), that offers accommodation, touristic and cultural programmes as well as training in Portuguese as foreign language. For more detailed information, please visit out facebook page or contact

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